Me climbing a radio tower

My name is Asher Williams. I'm a 15 year old music producer and musician from New Zealand. I formerly made electronic music under the name 'D410', which is a name that most people still know me as. After a not-so thorough thought process, I decided that D410 sounded boring and that I needed an alias switch. My music is now under the name 'Paxillulae' (which is the latin name for some cicada I found using the 'Random article' button on Wikipedia).

On this site you can find links to all of my socials/music. I'll also be hosting free MP3 files of work in progress music or just ideas that I've come up with.


Eno - r. Nov 2022

This track was written and recorded from June 2022 to November 2022 and had debuted on NJOM. You can stream or download it here, or you can listen to it using the media player.