
Note: Links to socials are in the site titles.

Twitter Twitter Icon

I mainly use Twitter because I'd rather post things onto Twitter than Facebook. Basically, I'll either post three things in the span of an hour or you won't see another post from me for another 3 months.

SpaceHey Spacehey Icon

This site is really cool. SpaceHey is essentially a revival of the 2007 MySpace complete with features such as blogs, groups, bulletins and more. I like SpaceHey because it's run independently by a 21 year old university student on a low budget.

You should create an account right now and add me!

Bandcamp Bandcamp Icon

Bandcamp is where I upload and release my music commercially. Bandcamp is also where you can go and buy something from me right now with your money.

Instagram Instagram Icon

I really only use Instagram to keep in touch with people I know locally/irl. My Instagram account isn't really meant for my musicianship as I only use it as a way to keep in touch with everybody.